Fellowship Lunch

September 15, 2024

12:00pm – 1:30pm

Coordinator:  Scott F

12:00 PM - Fellowship Meal

Please bring food that is "ready to serve" (for example, in a crock pot or cold) so that there is no delay in beginning the fellowship lunch. Tables & chairs will already be set up and Kris Schellhammer is the kitchen lead for food setup. Please make sure to let her know of any specific instructions for your food.

Assignments for members:

  • All families: main dish for 8-12
  • A-H: set up; dessert for 8-12
  • J-Z: clean up; salad/side for 8-12
  • Singles: Please bring a beverage for 8-12. You are welcome to bring a main dish, side, or dessert if you would like, but please don't feel obligated.